Apparently, this post is significantly substantial.
Not because this was posted on April 13, 2011 (a very fine day, I must say). Not because the title is in Spanish (which is, by the way, totally awesome). Not because it was posted by yours truly (significant as this reason may be). No, this post is special because it is officially my 100th post.
By now, many of my readers have by far surpassed their 100th posts, and for them, this might seem like a trivial accomplishment. However, for the author of a blog which has been much neglected, this is huge. The very moment that I hover my mouse over the "Publish Post" button and apply a slight force with my right index finger, I will have clicked that button for the one hundredth time. Oh, the exhilaration.
In honor of this significantly substantial occasion, there are some things I will NOT do.
First, I will not aimlessly ramble on like a sophisticated idiot who redundantly says things twice and appears to know what she's talking about but really has no idea whatsoever and therefore she completely bores her readers or either slightly amuses them with her complete ridiculousness and absurdity.
Second, I will not make an atrocious list of one hundred facts about myself (as many are accustomed to doing on their one hundredth posts). If anyone ever reads one hundred facts about any one person, they either have way too much time on their hands or they're stalkers. (If you have ever read one hundred facts about someone, please say that it is because of the first option.) Plus, I doubt in my ability to come up with one hundred facts about myself.
Those, my friends, are the things I will not do in this post. However, there is something that I WILL do in this post.
(Yes, I am a firm believer in productivity.)
In honor of my great accomplishment of reaching my 100th post, I will be greatly accomplishing my very first giveaway! The object of this giveaway will be these beautiful, intricately hand-crafted earrings. (Okay, they weren't that hard to make.)
It's nothing huge compared to the hugeness of the occasion of this post, but I've been wanting to do a "give-away" for a while now. So... Ta-da!
P.S. - The earring part is made of nickel-free metal
P.P.S. - I sincerely apologize to any males out there whose expectations of a "cool" giveaway were utterly dashed. Please feel free to enter the giveaway anyway, and if you happen to win, you may in turn give them away to somebody who would be more likely to enjoy them
P.P.P.S. - To enter, you must do these 3 1/2 things:
1} Leave a comment on this post.
2} In your comment, suggest one of your favorite books that you think I should read. (Preferably, suggest a book other than the ones I have listed in my "Faves" page.)
3} This give-away ends on Thursday, April 28, 2011.
3 1/2} You don't have to be a follower of my blog, but as I'll be announcing the winner on here, it's probably a good idea.