Monday, February 7, 2011

The Problem of Priorities

I'm pretty sure this has been the busiest year of my life thus far. My schedule feels full to the top (but probably not compared to the lady in the picture, haha)! Needless to say, my time with God has unfortunately fallen to the back-burner. It's not that I don't do it, it's just that I feel rushed. Have you ever felt so busy that you rush your time with God?

I justify my snappy "quiet time" by saying that once this year is over I'll have more time to devote to God. But is that really true? If I'm honest with myself, I'll admit that life will always be busy. But I have to develop the habit of sacrificing my time in order to spend it with God. If prayer and Bible are a priority in my life, I'll make time for them, no matter how busy I am.

This is one area that God has convicted me of: I need to be still before the Lord. Not rushing to get going on all my work, not worrying about the day, but still. "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him" (Psalm 37:7).

So I have to ask myself, What are my priorities and what do I spend the most time doing? Am I willing to give up "my" time to sit still in God's presence? Would I give up extra sleep, facebook time, watching that TV show, time with friends, etc.? My desire is to make God a priority in my life - but it's easier said than done.

Yes, the modern lifestyle is one of business. But I want God to be my priority in the midst of it. What are some ways that you make God and His Word a priority in your life? What are some things you've had to sacrifice in order to spend time with God?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This Thursday - Join together to reach the world

Every 5 seconds a child dies of starvation.
That's a startling number, yet most of us are comfortable living our lives indifferent to the fact that people are dying from hunger.

But it's time to get uncomfortable. You CAN do something!
I was been introduced to the One Day, One Lunch Project by Lexi over at Choosing to Wait.

The Average American spends between $2.00 and $8.00 a day on lunch. If everyone who reads this blog post would simple choose- on February 3rd to give up their "lunch money" and then donate what they would have spent on lunch that day to Lifesong For Orphans for the Adami Tulu preschool in Ziway, Ethiopia. Can you image what Jesus could do? A mere $3.00 feeds a child for ONE MONTH.

So, on Thursday, February 3rd, you can make a difference in the life of a child. This is such a simple yet powerful way to change the world.

Here's how you can help:

1} Donate your lunch money
Donations can be given online at: - please indicate it’s to go to the Adami Tulu Preschool.

Or mail checks to:

Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744
*Indicate for the Adami Tulu Preschool

2} Spread the word on facebook
Join the One Day, One Lunch Project on facebook, and then invite your friends to join too.

3} Post about it on your blog and share it with your family and friends

Okay guys. I know I'm posting this a little late, and by the time you read this Thursday might be over. Even if you do this after February 3rd, I still challenge you to join in. It doen't matter on what day you help to change the world. You can donate $3 any ole day and feed a child for one month.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Forever n Ever n Always Giveaway...

This is just the greatest shirt to give away on a photography blog. Too cool! To enter to win this cute camera shirt, head over to Forever n Ever n Always Photography! Seriously, this green shirt is so adorable! =) If you're interested, go HERE to find out how you can win.


P.S. Happy February! =)