Some of the people, though, took on a mischievous humor to their fear and would play a trick or practical joke, and then blame it on the spirits. This night also became know as "Mischief Night," where people could play any kind of trick - without fear of being punished.
So, the idea of trick-or-treating came from "treats" being left out for spirits, who hopefully wouldn't play any "tricks" on them in return. But the people were slightly worried: If the souls of their dead loved ones were roaming about, couldn't the souls of everything else - nice or not - be roaming about too? They didn't just have their relatives' spirits to worry about, they believed the evil spirits were active on this night also.
Since they believed evil spirits roamed about after dark on Halloween, they sought to disguise themselves. Wearing costumes, they thought, would scare away evil spirits or keep themselves from being recognized. By wearing masks, disguises, and blackening their faces with soot, they hoped to blend in unnoticed with the demons.

The night of Samhain was a night of fear. Although the Celtics' belief in the spirits' tricks was mainly pagan ideas, the reality of evil is real. Demons are real. Witchcraft is real. Evil is something that should not be celebrated - no matter how light-hearted or fun you make it seem.
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
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