Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bless the Lord!

I know I haven't mentioned this on my blog before, but my dad has been out of work for over 6 months. Yes, that's a long time! It's been hard on our family (mostly my parents), but I knew God was going to use our situation for His glory.

I was praying for my dad from the start. And I kept praying, and praying, and praying (or so it seemed). It soon got to the point where I was tired of praying for the same exact thing every day...for months! I knew that God knows our every need, and I had prayed so much before - I was beginning to feel like I had done all I could do and that prayer wasn't needed anymore.

Around this time I began reading Set-Apart Femininity by Leslie Ludy. Chapter 6 changed my view of prayer.

In that chapter Leslie talks about how she had learned to worship and let God speak to her through His word, "But the idea of wrestling, importunate, persistent prayer was completely foreign to me." (152) I knew exactly what she meant when she said that sometimes we pray, "God, if it's your will, please do this," or, "Please do that, if it's your will." Then, if God doesn't answer after a few times of praying, we assume that it's not His will. But maybe, just maybe, God doesn't answer right away to teach us faith and perseverance.

Our praying needs to be pressed and pursued with an energy that never tires, a persistency which will not be denied, and a courage that never fails.

-- E.M. Bounds

James 4:2 says, " do not have because you do not ask." Christ teaches that He wants us to be "relentlessly persistent" in our prayer: Luke 11:5-9, Luke 18:1-8, John 6:23-24, and so many more!

Here's what Leslie Ludy says, "God asks us to have the kind of faith that asks boldly for specific things. Instead of vague, general prayers that don't demand faith, we must begin 'putting it all on the line' and take the risk of laying our precise needs before the King." (160)

After reading that, I was convicted about the way I had been praying - especially for my dad's job. I began to change that. It's probably one of the boldest prayers I've ever prayed, but I prayed that God would give my dad a job in one month. One month. I struggled with myself at first, thinking, What if Dad doesn't get a job in one month? What would happen if God doesn't answer this prayer? I don't want to become like the "name-it, claim-it" people who think that they'll get whatever they pray for!!!!

But I prayed that God would give me faith in Him, that He is more than able - and He delights in giving us good gifts! I began praying with fervency everyday: Okay God...give me faith. One month.

Now, since this is all written in the past tense, I'm sure you all know what I'm about to say! =D

My dad got a job!!!!

I'm sooo amazed at how God has answered this prayer! On January 10, 2010, I prayed Dad would get a job in a month, and on January 28, 2010 he did! Praise the Lord! All glory to God! He used a trying situation to teach me an important lesson about prayer! Bless the Lord!


  1. Chloe, I just found your blog and am so excited to keep up with what is going on in your life through it! Awesome testimony about prayer! I too have been convicted recently to pray for things daily and specifically. One awesome answer was the quick sale of our house (it sold the morning we were putting the sign out front!) and a friend I had been praying for to hunger for God's word, who set a goal to read through the Bible this year! Keep up the persistent praying!


  2. AMAZING CHLOE!! see, He DOES answer and He DOES care, even though we lose faith! we should remember to keep our eyes on Jesus and not on the waves!!
    hugs friend!!


    That is absolutely wonderful, Chloe! Thank you SO much for sharing this with us. Honestly, when I was reading this I was in the process of thinking up what I'd write you in a comment... something like, "We'll be praying with you!" (duh, I didn't even catch on that you were writing in past tense, lol!) So when I read the sentence "My dad got a job!" my mouth literally dropped!! :D Now all I can say is praise the Lord!!! Yay! I am so happy for you guys. God is so good and he is always faithful!

    *Bless the Lord!*


  4. PRAISE THE LORD!!! I am so glad your dad has a job! I remember when we first moved to SD and my dad was in Washington for the first month we were here, and then he didn't get a job for several months... I think we appreciated the job and were so much more thankful than if he had gotten the job right away!
    Anyway, I'm so happy for you and your family!!! May the Lord continue to bless you! ~Alli

  5. Chloë,

    That is so amazing!!!! Wow, I'm so excited for your family... what an extraordinary answer to prayer from and extraordinary God!

    ~ Lindsey

  6. Praise God! Wow, what an AMAZING God we serve!! Amazing doesn't even begin to describe Him, though. :) Thank you for sharing this with us, Chloe. It's nice to have some encouragement! I too have gotten a little tired of praying for the same thing (concerning my dad) and for a while, I just stopped because I knew God knew what we needed/wanted. Then I remembered my mom told me that we should pray fervently and without seasing, and it encouraged me so much! Praise God that your dad found a job and I will keep you and your family in my prayers!


  7. Great post Chloe, I'm so glad your dad got a job. Praise the Lord!!!!!

  8. wow Chloe PRAISE GOD!! That is so awesome! Wow I'm so happy for your family! Thats wonderful news! Thank you so much for sharing!


  9. You have shown Great Love for GOD in your posts, therefore I have awarded you the "God's Princess Award"
    Go here for details :)
    God Bless!♥

  10. That is so cool Chloe! Mariah told us at dance on tuesday, and I was so happy! PTL!

    ~Jessie Cooper


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