Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Worldview Challenge from Charity

Hey guys! My friend Charity Anne from Footprints in the Sand is having a giveaway! But it's not just any giveaway: it comes with a challenge. On her worldview blog, Think Hard Think Well, she has challenged everybody to write an essay answering this question....

Do you believe it is right for Christians to break the law of the land under certain circumstances?

Go HERE to read the full instructions or if you have any questions about it for her. The giveaway is a surprise, and I'm sure it will be awesome!

An essay is really not as hard as it sounds. It's basically just three paragraphs with an introduction and concluding paragraph! You can do this! And it would be so worthwhile! I encourage you all to think about accepting this challenge. The deadline for the essay is November 2, 2010, so get going on it!


  1. Cool- I don't have time to enter- but I say YES. If it is illegal to follow Christ- break the law! God's law overrides any worldly law.



  2. I have changed the name, so the link you have may not work, here is the new one:


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